Grand Maratha Foundation has been working for the empowerment of widows of Vidarbha and rehabilitation of farmer’s families where the bread earner has committed suicide due to agrarian crisis since 2014. Mr. Rohit Shelatkar of GMF visited Vidarbha and himself identified the families and provided financial help for education of kids and for starting other allied activities in the agrarian and rural sector so that farm widows can earn their livelihood.
Below are the details of educational aid given by Grand Maratha to Vidarbha farm widows kids for the period November 2015 to March 2016.
The aid from Grand Maratha foundation was disbursed through Vidarbha Jandnadolan Samiti, activist group who is working for empowerment of poor farm widows since 1998.
As a future plan, Grand Maratha foundation will provide farmers’ producing unit that will help these farm widows to get proper value addition agriculture produce. We will also provide marketing help and network for input and output